We care about beauty,

تقشير البشرة

Peeling skin

Many layers of dead skin accumulate on the surface of the skin, which leads to its darkening and roughness in its texture, in addition to what it sometimes causes of infections and the appearance of spots and pimples, so the process of peeling the skin is basically removing the layers of the skin and dead cells, which leads to the rejuvenation of the skin areas especially With the increased friction and humid atmosphere, as is the case in the areas of the lower armpits and between the thighs, exfoliating the skin of the face leads to lightening and increasing the softness of those places.

Skin lightening with Novello Clinic is not limited to peeling the skin on the face only, but also includes peeling and lightening the skin in the bikini line and armpit area, and works on the smoothness and lightening of the elbows and knees area, making its texture silky and without the dark color that may accompany the problem of roughness

Types of peeling skin at Novello

افضل انواع تقشير البشرة

There are two types of skin peeling according to the type and nature of the skin and the skin of the area to be peeled, and the two types can be summarized in the following:

  • cold peeling

This type targets sensitive skin areas, as is the case in the face in the forehead, nose, around the mouth, cheeks, etc., and sensitive areas can include the bikini line and between the thighs and the underarm.

  • chemical peeling

The difference in skin type in some places leads to the inappropriateness of cold peeling in terms of results, such as chemical peeling, which is considered appropriate for it, such as the type of skin on the knees and elbows, where this skin is characterized as harsh and coarser and usually accompanied by the problem of pigmentation in a dark color or by being darker 

Benefits of skin peeling at Novello Clinic

The process of peeling the skin and removing dead cells in Novello has a large number of advantages, including the following:

  • It is done under the supervision of experts, so as not to cause problems for some skin types and choose the right one for each case
  • Effective results, as the skin lightening, smoothness and rejuvenation again
  • Affordable cost, determined according to the target area
  • Availability of all types of peeling, which are suitable for the face, sensitive areas and rough rough areas
  • Suitable for almost all cases and performed after examination 
  • Gives an elegant look, especially in lightening the skin in the areas of the underarm, bikini line, elbow and knees

Novello Clinic

It is important to take full care of your skin, Novello helps you to get a clear, silky and whiter skin with the best modern technologies, especially with the advent of summer.

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