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كثيرًا ما يؤدي انخفاض الوزن بشكل كبير الى حدوث مشاكل عدم التناسق بين أجزاء الجسم المختلفة، وقد يكون السبب راجع أصلًا عامل جيني ووراثي في تاريخ العائلة والتي تتضمن بعض الصفات التي نحافة في الوجة بطريقة ملحوظة أو في الثدي أو المؤخرة، وهو ما ينعكس على المظهر و ثقة الشخص بنفسه 

Filler uses At Novello

Fillers are not only used for the skin! It is also used for different places in the body, such as the breast to enlarge the buttocks, and the filler is used to solve skin and face problems. An injection is made in the cheeks and the top of the contour bones to show elegant and attractive cheeks, and it is also used in the lips to enlarge them and become very unique and elegant.

In Novello, it is used mainly for the skin, as it increases its glow and hides the thin face. It is also used for the lips in an elegant and attractive way. 

Who needs filler?

  • To adjust, beautify and lift the breasts
  • For lip augmentation
  • To enlarge the skinny cheeks
  • For a Brazilian butt

Filler injection At Novello 

The proportions and course of the filler injection process are determined by the plastic surgeon who is one of the experienced doctors in Novelo and does not cost much time, effort and money.

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