Fat injection process

عملية حقن الدهون

Fat Injection All Services In a high-end neighborhood where elegance meets innovation, there is a clinic known as a destination for women seeking beauty and self-confidence: Novello Clinic. This clinic is a pioneer in providing the latest cosmetic techniques and methods, and among its most distinguished services stands out the “fat injection” technique for breast augmentation. But what makes this procedure special? And how […]

Everything you need to know about tummy tuck surgery

كل ما تريد معرفته عن عملية شد البطن

We care about beauty Discover the offers! Novello clinics Specialists in cosmetics Integrated services with the latest technologies in the field of skin and hair care, laser hair removal sessions, fractional sessions, advanced cosmetic surgeries, in addition to cosmetic dentistry services. We strive to achieve the most beautiful changes Everything you want to know about the tummy tuck The tummy tuck is one of the cosmetic surgical procedures […]

How to tighten the abdomen after a cesarean section

كيفية شد البطن بعد الولادة القيصرية

How to tighten the abdomen after a cesarean section All services Following the experience of a cesarean section, women face many challenges related to a new arrangement for their bodies, and among these challenges stands out the topic of tightening the abdomen after a cesarean section. Performing a cesarean section leads to stretching of the abdominal muscles and surrounding tissues, which leaves its effects on the appearance and flexibility of the abdomen. The process of tightening […]

What are the appropriate exercises to tighten sagging belly?

We care about beauty Discover the offers! Novello clinics Specialists in beauty Integrated services with the latest technologies in the field of skin and hair care, laser hair removal sessions, fractional sessions, advanced cosmetic surgeries, in addition to cosmetic dentistry services. We strive to achieve the most beautiful changes How to tighten sagging abdomen? As the problem of sagging abdomen is one of the common challenges faced by many, whether […]

How to tighten sagging lower abdomen

شد ترهلات البطن السفلية

How to tighten sagging lower abdomen? As time passes and life changes, sagging lower abdomen may appear as a common problem that affects many people. These changes can be

Surgical methods of buttock enlargement

طرق تكبير المؤخرة

Effective methods for enlarging the buttocks in light of recent developments in the field of beauty and body care, as achieving the ideal appearance and a harmonious body has become a goal sought by many individuals, and among them

Body sculpting with Vaser and the most important advantages and benefits

نحت الجسم بالفيزر

Body sculpting with Vaser and the most important advantages and benefits All services Body sculpting with Vaser Many people wonder what the Vaser device is, and Vaser is an ultrasound technology as it differs from traditional liposuction, and this is part of the fact that all of this localized fat is removed from the body without harming all other tissues, and this is also done by […]

Body sculpting operations and the most prominent types of body sculpting

عمليات نحت الجسم

Body sculpting operations and the most prominent types of body sculpting All services Body sculpting operations These operations are meant to remove all the accumulated fat in some areas of the body, as well as working to sculpt the desired body shape in addition to working to clarify its features and also highlighting all the muscles more clearly and not just getting rid of all the excess fat in […]

All the information you want to know about buttock augmentation surgery

عملية تكبير المؤخرة

All the information you want to know about the buttock augmentation process All services The buttock augmentation process is considered one of the common operations that aim to improve its size and shape, and with the improvement of precise surgical intervention methods, this operation has become the most common among the various cosmetic operations, and for good reasons, as the results of this operation can greatly highlight an attractive feminine side, and according to statistics […]

The most important information about body sculpting before and after

نحت الجسم قبل وبعد

The most important information about body sculpting before and after all services Many people seek to know what happens in the body sculpting process before and after, as many seek to obtain an ideal body, not only by getting rid of excess weight, but by enjoying a slender and sculpted body, and this is what body sculpting operations do. Women may want […]

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