Peeling the sensitive area and methods for implementing it

تقشير المنطقة الحساسه وطرق تنفيذها

Many women are looking for ways to exfoliate the sensitive area. Although this area is not exposed to the factors that cause skin damage from sunlight and exposure to dust, it still needs special care and attention, due to its exposure to moisture in addition to its lack of exposure to ventilation and the use of a lot of water. It is one of the chemicals used to remove hair, so in this article we talk about ways to care for it by using exfoliation

Exfoliating the sensitive area

It is known that exfoliating is a method followed by women in order to take care of the health of their skin, and just as caring for the beauty of the skin requires adherence to a specific routine, sensitive areas of the body need to adhere to their own routine that greatly helps in taking care of the skin, and the exfoliation method is considered one of the best ways to It has proven its effectiveness. There are natural methods and other chemical methods, and the method is chosen that suits the skin type.

Benefits of exfoliating the sensitive area

Peeling sensitive areas is working to remove the outer layer that is present on the skin, which often contains a group of dead cells and contains pigmentation that plays a role in changing the color of the skin, especially in the bikini area, which makes it tan. Therefore, the peeling process has a group of benefits. The important benefits are as follows:

  • Remove dead skin.
  • Enjoy more smooth skin.
  • تفتيح لون البشرة، والقضاء على البقع الداكنة والتصبغات مما يساعد على توحيد لون الجلد.
  • يعمل على تفتح المسام، ويساعد على التخلص من الشعر الزائد الذي ينمو تحت الجلد.
  • يزيد من الاستفادة من كريمات الترطيب التي يتم استخدامها على تلك المنطقة.
  • يعزز من إنتاج الكولاجين ما يساهم في عملية شد البشرة ويجعلها أكثر شبابًا.
  • It increases blood circulation within the skin, which contributes to supplying the cells with important nutrients necessary for their growth, and helps eliminate toxins.

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Methods for exfoliating the sensitive area

There are a group of natural methods used to exfoliate the sensitive area, while others are chemical. The method is chosen that suits the skin type and that the woman prefers to use. These methods are as follows:

Natural ways to exfoliate the sensitive area

Many women are afraid to use the creams that are used in the peeling process because they contain some chemicals, which they believe cause damage to that area, which makes them prefer to use natural methods. The following are the most important natural peeling methods:

Coffee exfoliation

Coffee has an important group of natural substances, which has contributed to its inclusion in many natural recipes that have been used for skin care, because it has many benefits, as it contains an amount of antioxidants that help get rid of toxins that are present in the skin.

It renews dead cells and plays a role in maintaining the freshness of the skin, so a coffee mask is used to exfoliate sensitive areas, by placing it on the area and rubbing it in circular motions and leaving it for 10 minutes, then rinsing with water. The mask consists of the following:

  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • ملعقتان من القهوة كيرة.
  • ملعقة من جل الألوفيرا صغيرة.
  • ملعقة من زيت جوز الهند صغيرة.

Exfoliation with olive oil and sugar

Since ancient times, olive oil has been known to provide the skin with many benefits, which made it one of the most widely used oils in skin care products, as it has antioxidants in its components, and works to provide the skin with an important group of vitamins. It is also anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and prevents their growth. It also gives the skin the deep hydration it needs, making the skin softer.

It is used as a mask to exfoliate sensitive areas, by spreading the mixture and rubbing it for a few seconds, leaving it for a few minutes, then rinsing it with water. It is used once a week. The mask consists of the following:

  • A spoonful of thanks.
  • ملعقة من زيت الزيتون بيرة

Chemical peeling for sensitive area

Many women are keen to use chemical peeling, which helps them get rid of pigmentation in the bikini area. It also renews skin cells and helps lighten them. The specialist peels the pubic area to the area surrounding the anus. This method requires shaving the bikini area. Two days before عملية التقشير.

The best chemical peeling for sensitive areas

This method is considered painless, although there is a possibility of not feeling comfortable, because the area will be a little sensitive after the treatment. Experts do not recommend exercising any sports after the peeling procedure on the same day. It is preferable to wear loose clothing, and stay away from using lasers, or using Waxing to get rid of hair.

Follow more: Body sculpting with Vaser

Tips for exfoliating sensitive areas

There are some important tips that can be followed to protect the skin from injury during the peeling process. These tips are as follows:

  • Make sure to use the exfoliating products that your doctor prescribes for you, as there are some ointments that cause skin allergies.
  • Choose the exfoliation method that suits your skin type, as the method that suits dry skin is different from the method that suits sensitive skin.
  • Avoid chemical peeling if you have dark skin, suffer from insect bites, or have dark spots on the sensitive area.
  • Use products gently, and be gentle with them.

Exfoliating the sensitive area has become an easy and common thing for women to do in order to take care of the skin and maintain its freshness and youth.

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