
Laser hair removal center in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
What is the best laser hair removal center? Firstly, laser body hair removal technology is characterized by the fact that it helps get rid of unwanted excess hair on the body permanently
And results last for long periods of time, up to several years, compared to the usual traditional methods. This is done through the light rays emitted by the laser device
Which targets the pigment in the hair follicles and destroys it, thus preventing hair from growing again.
Laser hair removal in Saudi Arabia
Enjoy smooth and different skin with “Novelo Clinic, the best laser hair removal center in Saudi Arabia”, which offers the latest technologies.
In laser hair removal to provide amazing and long-lasting results. Laser hair removal operations rely on the use of high-quality, globally approved lasers to precisely destroy hair roots,
Which leads to slower hair growth and reduced amount of hair growing.
Laser hair removal price
Laser hair removal has become popular in the Saudi Laser Hair Removal Center and has spread widely in recent years as it is an easy and fast method.
To get rid of hair growth in many areas of the body, many women are now accepting it strongly. Despite the presence of many beauty centers that provide this service,
However, girls and women are afraid to go to any center, they are worried about the quality, reputation and experience of the place, so they are always looking for the best places for laser hair removal.
What is the laser hair removal center? To preserve their safety and security.
Advantages of laser hair removal
- The advantages of laser hair removal are many and we will explain in the following lines the most important advantages of the technology. Laser hair removal They are as follows:
- These sessions have a long-term effect. Hair removal can be permanent. Hair does not grow back.
- It may require several separate sessions. It should take two to three weeks and the number of sessions should range from 6 to 8 sessions.
- The results of laser surgeries are almost guaranteed and satisfactory when performed by experts in the art. They are also easy.
- The doctor recommends applying creams and ointments and they soon disappear.
- Laser session prices in Saudi Arabia Laser session prices in Saudi Arabia are not high, but they depend on the affected area, the experience of the treating physician, the number of sessions, the center where the surgery is performed, the cost of local anesthesia, and the services provided in Saudi Arabia.
- You can buy a laser device at home and perform body hair removal sessions yourself, but after consulting with your doctor. Laser procedures do not produce side effects or complications, but irritation and redness can sometimes occur in the area exposed to the laser.
- There is no pain in laser hair removal, unlike other types that cause pain when removing hair, such as wax, creams or razors, especially in sensitive areas such as the pubic area and armpits where the hair is thicker. Therefore, laser is the best solution.
Laser hair removal center
What is the best laser hair removal center? If you want to resort to laser hair removal and are searching intensively for what is the best Laser hair removal centerOr laser hair removal center for men?
We will recommend Novello Clinics, which is one of the best. Laser hair removal places Which has been proven by many successful experiments, cases and distinguished results.
In getting rid of excess hair growth easily under the supervision of the best specialized doctors using the latest appropriate specialized devices
For all skin and hair types to get the best results required, and this is why the search for the best has become Saudi Laser Center A lot lately;
As the laser helps to get rid of unwanted hair effectively.
Laser hair removal and pregnancy
Studies have shown that using laser hair removal devices during pregnancy has no effect on pregnant women or the fetus.
However, you should go to the best laser hair removal center in Saudi Arabia and the best doctor specialized in hair removal to avoid complications.
Also, the beams emitted from the laser device cannot penetrate the deep layers of the skin, as it only penetrates the superficial layer of the skin.
Which means that its effect does not reach internal organs such as the uterus or placenta. However, most doctors prefer not to use laser hair removal during pregnancy for certain reasons, which are:
- During pregnancy, there is a change in hormones, which may result in not getting the desired results.
- If a pregnant woman feels pain and redness appears at the site exposed to laser radiation, it is difficult to give the medication orally.
The most important instructions required before laser hair removal
After I mentioned to you the best laser hair removal center in Saudi Arabia, you must know the most important instructions, as there are some instructions
That must be followed before undergoing laser hair removal to get the best results, as follows:
- Shaving the area to be removed by laser hair from it.
- Do not take certain medications and antibiotics until you see your doctor.
- Do not use skin care products, cosmetics or deodorants directly before the session.
- Stay away from traditional hair removal ways at least 6 weeks before the session. This is because the laser targets the roots of hair, which does not exist when removing hair.
- Stay away from sunlight for 3 weeks before the sessions and 3 weeks later. This is because harmful sunlight affects the effectiveness of laser hair removal.
What is the way to remove laser hair
How to remove laser hair? Conduct Laser hair removal sessions In several steps, it includes the following:
- First, the doctor applies local anesthesia to the site from which the laser hair will be removed to avoid pain or pain during the session.
- The only way to remove hair after exposure to laser sessions is shaving or using some types of creams; Where it is forbidden to use methods that depend on plucking hair and extracting it from the roots such as: wax, thread or snoring because these methods stimulate the hair to return to growth again, and thus the laser does not give any result or success rates, while the shaving method depends on removing the hair from On the surface of the skin without affecting the movement of hair follicles.
- Then the doctor and the condition cover their eyes to protect them from laser rays. The session then begins to pass the laser device at the point where the anesthesia was performed.
- The pulses emitted from the device destroy the hair follicles to prevent them from growing again.
- Usually, laser hair removal does not take long. The largest areas of the body, such as the back or legs, last for about 60 minutes, while small areas, such as the upper lips, take only a few seconds.
تكلفة ازالة الشعر بالليزر في السعودية
كم تكلفة إزالة الشعر بالليزر؟ حيث تتوقف تكلفة إزالة الشعر على عدة عوامل تتضمن على الاّتي:
- عدد النبضات على جهاز الليزر الذي يستخدمه الطبيب لإزالة الشعر.
- حجم المنطقة التي سوف يتم إزالة الشعر فيها كبير أو صغير أو متوسط، لأن مناطق الجسم، مثل الأذن والشفتين واليدين وبين الحاجبين والبطن والساقين، ذات أحجام مختلفة.
- مستوى الرعاية التي يقدمها المركز أو العيادة.
- يتطلب عامل الأمان في هذه العمليات الدقة والبراعة.
- طبيعة الحالة وماذا ترغب وما هي احتياجاتها للتخلص من الشعر الزائد في منطقة ما بالجسم
- خبرة ومهارة الطبيب في استخدام أجهزة الليزر المختلفة.
- البلد أو المكان أو Laser hair removal center.
Laser centers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
تقنية الليزر هي سحرية مبهرة تحقق الكثير من النتائج الرائعة سواء في علاجات البشرة أو الشعر أو الأسنان أو غير ذلك من العلاجات التجميلية الأخرى،
حيث تستخدم في كبرى مراكز التجميل في المملكة باعتبارها بديلا فعالا عن اللجوء إلى العديد من الوسائل الجراحية المعقدة الأخرى
وفي أحيان أخرى يمكن استخدام الليزر لكي يشارك بجزء في بعض العمليات الجراحية حيث لا يمكن إجراء كل خطواتها بدون جراحة، وبالتالي فإن مشاركة الليزر
في جزء من العملية الجراحية يمكن أن يقلل من الفتح الجراحي ويجنب المريض الكثير من المضاعفات الجراحة الأكثر صعوبة.
Laser sessions
ما هي تقنية الليزر؟ تعد جلسات الليزر هو الشكل التجميلي المفضل لكثير من النساء والرجال، حيث يتم من خلاله إجراء بدائل مختلفة للإجراءات التجميلية
دون مضاعفات خطيرة وبدون تفاصيل جراحية مزعجة. بدلاً من ذلك، يتم استخدام عدة أنواع من معدات الليزر الحديثة، والتي يتم اختيارها وفقًا نوع الإجراء.
العلاج التجميلي المطلوب من قبل المريض، بما في ذلك إزالة الشعر بالليزر، تجديد الجلد بالليزر، إجراءات الليزر الجزئية للوجه،
العلاج بالليزر لآثار حب الشباب والعديد من الإجراءات الأخرى التي يتم إجراؤها بجلسات الليزر.
Types of laser sessions for the body
ما هي أنواع جلسات الليزر للجسم؟ تتعدد أنواع جلسات الليزر للجسم في عيادات تجميل في المملكة العربية السعودية
مما يجعله يتميز بطاقة حرارية عالية قادرة على اختراق طبقات الجلد شكل كبير حسب درجة قوتها والهدف المطلوب منها ومن ضمن أنواعه ما يلي:
Carbon laser
It is a preferred type of laser devices used in cosmetics. Its high card, long wave and high temperature is characterized by carbon molecules that spread through the skin and regenerate its cells. The best thing about carbon laser is that its side effects are much lower. One defect is that it is not suitable for people with dark skin and requires a long treatment.
Pulse pigment laser
This type of laser can be used as well as other cosmetic procedures to remove capillaries. Their work depends on the condensation of the rays and pulses in a specific area of the skin, then removing melanin, responsible for the pigment in the skin. However, their findings are believed to be temporary and may cause slight bruises.
Nutrium laser
It is used to destroy sick skin cells from severe heat. It has the ability to treat vascular diseases, but it is somewhat painful for use causes swelling and itching for several days. However, one of its advantages is to use it to remove varicose veins, remove excess hair and remove tattoos.
Laser Ksandrite
This special type of laser for the body generates thermal energy thanks to the high -energy light waves. Therefore, it aims to treat a specific area of the body, through which soft body hair is removed. It is very suitable for white people with white, but what is considered the possibility of causing it. Itching, redness and swelling are natural symptoms that disappear after several days of use.
Erbium Laser
Erbium laser is a special type of laser for the body, such as carbon laser. For the same reasons, it has long waves and strong lightning. Thanks to its use, very accurate results can be achieved and can be implemented without hesitation in small areas. However, what is considered is the possibility of complications from the side effects of swelling, friction and redness in the areas surrounding the treated area.
ازالة الشعر بالليزر بالرياض
- تجميل بالليزر هو إجراء ضروري ومهم للغاية، خاصة بالنسبة للنساء اللواتي يعتبرن جلسات الليزر وسيلة آمنة وفعالة لجميع مشاكل بشرتهن، شريطة أن يتم استخدام الليزر في المكان المناسب وفي يد الطبيب المناسب. هذا هو موضوع مقالنا الذي ناقشنا في العديد من عيادات الليزر في المملكة حتى وجدنا أفضل العيادات. الليزر في السعودية هو منطقة مهمة في قلب العاصمة السعودية الرياض ، وبالتالي سيكون ملاذا وواجهة مميزة لكثير من الناس.
Best prices for laser hair removal in Riyadh
إذا كُنت تتسائل عن ما هو أفضل مراكز الليزر فى الرياض؟ فإليك الحل الآن وهو نوفيللو كلينك الذي يعد افضل مركز لازالة الشعر بالليزر في السعودية
سوف نرشح لكي عن جدارة Novello Clinics الذي يعد واحد من أفضل مراكز الليزر فى المملكة العربية السعودية و احسن مركز ليزر في المملكة حيث يتمتع بالخبرة الكبيرة
وأفضل طاقم طبي متخصص على أعلى مستوى من الكفاءة والجودة والدقة في مجال الليزر،
كما تعد عيادة ليزرنوفيللو كلينك متخصصة مجهزة بأحدث أنواع الليزر التي تلبي جميع متطلبات المريض وتحقق النتائج المرجوة.
وقد أشاد بذلك العديد من التجارب السابقة في عيادات Novello Clinics للأمراض الجلدية، والتي تهتم أيضًا بتوفير أكثر من طبيب في نفس التخصص لتقليل الاحتقان وتوفير الراحة للمريض.
سواء كانت راحة نفسية أو جمالية. تقع عيادة الليزر في مركز Novello Clinics في القاهرة، وتحديداً في المملكة العربية السعودية ، مما يجعلها في متناول الجميع بسهولة.
كما أنه موثوق به من قبل العديد من العملاء ويحظى بشعبية كبيرة في مجال التجميل بشكل عام والتجميل بالليزر على وجه الخصوص.
تستقبل عيادة الليزر بالمركز العديد من الحالات الطبية على مدار الأيام. هذا العام يجعلها واحدة من أفضل مراكز الليزر
Best Laser Hair Removal Centers for Men in Saudi Arabia
Novello Clinic is considered one of the best laser hair removal centers for men in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where any man can deal with to remove body hair in different areas.
Novello Clinic offers an amazing laser hair removal experience for men in Saudi Arabia. Using advanced laser technology,
Our team of professionals at Novello Clinic offers a safe and effective solution for permanent removal of unwanted hair.
Our advanced system uses the latest technology to deliver amazing results and superior precision without any pain or discomfort.
The most important feature Novello Clinics
- What are the advantages of Novello Clinics? The center offers various services in correcting skin defects and problems, and concealing scars, spots, melasma, and pigmentation.
- It treats problems using safe and effective fractional laser, which has proven its effectiveness in an effective way.
- It treats the problems of split ends, hair loss, and hair damaged by weather factors and wrong diets.
- It provides hair removal services from different parts of the body and sensitive areas using the best devices, which are completely safe and leave the skin fresh and smooth without inflammation or scars.
- Providing the largest medical staff specialized in proper diagnosis from the beginning to know the causes of problems and solve them under the supervision of specialists and those with experience and skill in the center.
- Provides the highest quality and best price ever.
Laser hair removal duration
How long does laser hair removal take? After I mentioned the best laser hair removal centers in the Kingdom, you should know the duration of hair removal. The time required for hair removal varies depending on the type of hair growth cycle. The best time for laser hair removal is the beginning of growth. Therefore, laser hair removal sessions are scheduled. At the beginning of the growth phase, each area of the body has a different duration than the other. The duration of laser hair removal can be explained as follows:
- Laser hair removal in the facial area should be done every 4 to 5 weeks, as facial hair grows quickly. While sensitive areas need a laser session every 6 to 8 weeks.
- Hair in these areas grows a little slower. There are areas that need a session every 8 to 10 weeks, depending on the type of hair growth.
- For best results, the time between sessions should be set between 6 and 8 sessions.
When does the results of laser sessions appear to remove hair?
When do the results of laser hair removal appear? The results of laser hair removal initially appear after two to three weeks,
However, full results generally require between 8 to 12 sessions to be seen. It can be noticed that the hair has become less dense and thicker after the first session,
But you must continue to do the sessions as scheduled to get the best results.
To know about laser hair removal centers for men in the Kingdom or the best laser hair removal centers in Riyadh and Jeddah
For more Click here


Satisfying experience every time.
At Novello Clinic, we strive to make your experience with us unforgettable. We provide you with quality service and high-quality products that are designed to meet all your needs. Our team of experienced doctors and technicians rely on the latest laser technology to ensure you get the best results.



