What are the types of chemical peeling for bikini?

ما هي أنواع التقشير الكيميائي للبكيني

Chemical peeling of the bikini is used to treat many pigmentations that are present in the bikini area, in addition to lightening and rejuvenating the skin in all private areas.

Genitals: This type of peeling can be performed on both women and men in the genital area.

This treatment is considered absolutely painless, although it may make you feel comfortable after, as the bikini area will become a little sensitive after the treatment.

Therefore, it is recommended to exercise on the same day after the procedure, and through this article we will talk about what chemical peeling is and what its importance and benefits are.

Bikini chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is one of the cosmetic procedures that can help improve the external appearance of the skin.

It is done by using a chemical solution that exfoliates the outer layers of the skin, which makes the skin smoother, more attractive, and free of blemishes.

Chemical skin peeling helps treat pimples and pigmentation resulting from constant exposure to sunlight.

The individual can perform chemical peeling on the face or all parts of the body, including chemical peeling of the knees, hands, and bikini area.

Types of chemical peeling for bikini

There are many types of chemical peeling for bikini, the most important of which are:

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Superficial or light chemical peeling


Superficial chemical peeling removes the outer layer of the skin. It is done by using glycolic acid or lactic acid.

It is one of the most important types of chemical peeling for the skin that can be performed at home.

Superficial chemical peeling does not penetrate the deeper layers, as it may cause less damage to the skin, and it requires 1 to 7 days in order to recover from all its side effects.

However, the individual will need approximately five sessions to undergo the procedure to be able to see the results he desires.

It is possible for an individual to do this type of chemical peeling every period of up to 2-5 weeks, and one must avoid sun damage after exposure to the session.

Medium chemical peeling

Medium chemical peeling removes all skin cells, starting from the upper part and then the middle layer of skin.

It is usually used using trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid to reach the middle or superficial layers of the skin.

The side effects of medium chemical peeling may include swelling of the skin within 48 hours after it is performed.

It may lead to the occurrence of some pimples and pimples, and the individual may need to take antiviral medication.

Deep chemical peeling

 Deep chemical peeling removes all skin cells located in the middle layer of the skin, and it may reach the deep or lower layer.

Because of the risks associated with this type of chemical peeling, no dermatologist usually prefers to perform it.

During deep peeling, a solution containing phenolic acid or trichloroacetic acid is used. The individual may also need a recovery period, which ranges between about 2-3 weeks.

In order to identify which is better, laser or deep chemical peeling, in general, laser gives better results for the deeper layers when compared to deep chemical peeling.

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The importance of chemical peeling for bikini

There are many benefits of chemical bikini peeling because it helps improve all the tissues of the deep layers of the skin, in addition to doing the following:

  • Treating all age spots and skin pigmentation.
  • Removes all dead skin cells.
  • It works to whiten all sensitive areas.
  • It treats all hair growth problems that exist under the skin.
  • Softens the skin.
  • It also treats dehydration.

Advantages of chemical peeling for bikini

There are many advantages of chemical bikini peeling, the most important of which are:

  • It helps to regenerate skin cells.
  • Removes damaged skin.
  • It helps unify the skin tone of the bikini area.
  • Prevents hair growth from under the skin.
  • Reduces the appearance of deep wrinkles as you age.
  • It softens the skin and also treats dryness.

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Tips for exfoliating the bikini area

There are many important tips that will prevent any skin injury or deformity through peeling, and the most important of these tips are the following:

  • You should consider using prescription peeling products. Some over-the-counter peeling ointments can cause skin sensitivity.
  • Choose the appropriate exfoliation method for your skin. People with dry skin, sensitive skin, or acne-prone skin should use a towel and a light chemical exfoliant. As for those with oily or thick skin, stronger chemical treatments should be used.
  • Avoid chemical peeling if your skin is dark, or if there are dark spots on your skin after burns or insect bites.

At the end of this article, we talked about  chemical bikini peeling, and all the important points that revolve around it.

Novello Clinic is the best beauty center in Egypt, providing the best skin cleaning and exfoliation service.

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