Advantages of fractional laser for the face
The benefits and advantages of fractional lasers for the skin are multiple, and they are not only limited to tightening sagging skin or getting rid of signs of aging, but include the following:
- بعد علاج حب الشباب تظهر بعد الندوب التي لا يمكن التخلص منها إلا بمساعدة استخدام Fractional laser.
- Getting rid of all pits or scars resulting from wounds, surgeries, etc.
- Treating cases of drooping eyelids that make a big positive difference in the appearance of the face.
- Facial exfoliation to get rid of dead skin, dead cells and blackheads.
- Solve the problem of pigmentation, discoloration of the skin, and brown spots.
- Reducing the effects of sunburn on the skin.
- Lightening and exfoliation of the sensitive area.
- Solve the problem of pigmentation, discoloration of the skin, and brown spots.
- Exfoliation of dead skin on any part of the body, especially the knees, as it has proven effective in getting rid of discolorations caused by sunburn, scars, etc.
Fractional laser for the face
- Dermatological lectures resulting from the aggregation of collagen products.
- Which is one of the most important components of the skin, and is responsible for its flexibility and gaining freshness, and health, and from this defect the laser does its work.
- Where the intended area of the face is exposed to a laser beam that penetrates the outer layer to reach the middle layer to affect it.
- It activates cells and stimulates them to divide and renew, and thus the production of collagen, which results in a completely new layer that is better than the previous one.
- And that process is now widely available, especially with the availability of modern technologies for laser devices that collect rays intensively.
- To penetrate the outer layer at specific points to reach the middle layer and stimulate its cells without affecting any surrounding tissues too much.
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