skin care
من أهم عوامل نضارة البشرة وصفائها هو التنظيف العميق، لأن البشرة وخصوصًا بشرة الوجه دائما ما تكون معرضة للأتربة والعوامل الجوية
وكذلك إستخدام مستحضرات التجميل بشكل مفرط والتعرض لأشعة الشمس خصوصًا الفوق بنفسجية Uva, Uvb يؤدي إلى زيادة مشاكل البشرة، ولا شك في أن البشرة النظيفة تساعد كثيرًا المسلم على التنفس حيث تؤدي
وظيفة حيوية أثناء النوم من إفراز زيوت ودهون قد تتسبب عدم تنظيفها الى مشاكل مثل البثور والرؤس السوداء وهو ما يجعل البشرة ظاهره بشكل غير مقبول
The stages of cleaning the skin in the Novelllo Clinic
Starting with Therapist, which detects the extent of damage to the skin, its type and the nature of the problems in particular, and then the rest of the stages begin
The first phase
The first stage is a treatment par excellence to solve the problems related to black and white heads by removing them and cleaning their impact, which causes inconvenience and an unpopular appearance for many
Exfoliation of dead skin, removing layers of dead skin, which causes the skin to appear in a dark, unruly look, leading to better breathing of the pores of the skin
Moisturizing and nourishing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin is a good thing because moist skin appears more fresh and lively, and moisturizing the skin in general protects it from dehydration and cracks.
The second phase
This stage includes a deeper cleaning of the skin using a vacuum cleaner, which draws and cleans the depths of the pores from fat and natural secretions, and includes removing black and whiteheads as well as exfoliating the skin
A freshness mask, where a deep freshness and hydration mask is applied to the skin after peeling, protecting the skin from dehydration and increasing its freshness and suppleness.
'Using the Ultrasound device with its three stages stimulates the production of collagen responsible for repairing and restoring the skin to make it more youthful and vibrant.
third phase
It includes the treatment and cleaning of black and white heads and removing their impact, which is distinguished at that stage that it greatly stimulates the skin to produce collagen, which is the most important amino acid in helping to rejuvenate the skin, as it practically hides scars and wounds and restores the skin in an excellent way, using the 7-Ultrasound device Levels that are used completely at that stage to reach pure and clear skin like children's skin, and the following are also used:
- Skin rejuvenation mask, to moisturize, lighten and unify the color
- Eye mask, remove dark circles, puffiness and tired eyes
- Lip mask, to supply and moisturize
- A nourishing serum mask, and a galvanic device is used that helps absorb the serum
- Professional and high-quality skin massage using the massage roller
- Stimulating more collagen production using the LED mask
- Sunblock protects the skin from sun damage
Skin cleansing At NOVELLO
Skin cleaning at special prices and offers on the occasion of the opening of our new branches, skin care of all kinds based on knowledge of its problems under the supervision of the best specialists in care and beauty
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