We care about beauty,

ليزر ازالة الشعر
251140599 340527987846980 4049966452267030493 n

With the latest technologies,

Integrated Services

"A center specializing in cosmetics and treatment for all skin and hair problems, Novello Clinic provides permanent youth and enchanting beauty. The center offers various services in repairing skin blemishes and problems, concealing scars, spots, melasma, and pigmentation, and restoring the smoothness of children's skin. It treats problems using a safe and effective fractional laser, which has proven its effectiveness in an impressive way."

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437167338 396855716603481 4009168974827819161 n.jpg? nc cat=105&ccb=1 7& nc sid=5f2048& nc eui2=AeF5lXgPzmHSHDFN7cYxtx 971GH1ZwFGZ vUYfVnAUZn6BL 9AnUAAyRY6H1dwLi 6dKmOoJSeGLeQID7 M0ns& nc ohc=T7uph CKlmoAb6zmRYj& nc ht=scontent ams2 1
novello 52 scaled

Specialists in Cosmetic Procedures and Laser Services

Integrated services and the latest technologies for skin and hair care, solutions to hair loss problems, plastic surgery, and cosmetic dental care.

Professional ethics
Happy Customers
Outstanding results
Continuing clients

Our Stars Team

Integrated services with the latest technologies for skin care, cosmetic dentistry and plastic surgery

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Cover for Novello Laser Clinic
Novello Laser Clinic

Novello Laser Clinic

Novello Laser Clinics are among the best laser hair removal centers?

437167338 396855716603481 4009168974827819161 n.jpg? nc cat=105&ccb=1 7& nc sid=5f2048& nc eui2=AeF5lXgPzmHSHDFN7cYxtx 971GH1ZwFGZ vUYfVnAUZn6BL 9AnUAAyRY6H1dwLi 6dKmOoJSeGLeQID7 M0ns& nc ohc=T7uph CKlmoAb6zmRYj& nc ht=scontent ams2 1
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البوتكس بيساعدك تحافظي على ملامح وجهك شباب على طول لأنه بيحسن من حركة عضلات الوجه ويمنع تكون التجاعيد.. شوفي في الفيديو النتيجة المذهلة لجلسة بوتكس الجبهة.#جلسات_النضارة#بشرةبلاعيوب#البوتكس#الكولاجين #نوفيللو للحجز و الاستفسار :📌فرع أكتوبر:01016650011 - 01143635999📌فرع الرحاب:01095075760 - 01143635999📌فرع الهرم:01092632010 - 01143635999📌فرع الشيخ زايد:01060838820 - 01143635999📌فرع الكوربة:01145851495 - 01143635999📌فرع التجمع الخامس:01143634442 - 01143635999📌فرع شبرا :01061050814 - 01143635999📌فرع مدينة نصر :01080599491 - 01143635999📌فرع شيراتون :01124521995 - 01143635999
432684281 1079290739832557 6642197528335967464 n.jpg? nc cat=108&ccb=1 7& nc sid=5f2048& nc eui2=AeG0fufZ Z6 GhRr MYv2ANNsjaG8deRAeGyNobx15EB4YMoyG7oSOivSG4MQXJWpdYopy ucWGIiGjIxcAcaR8T& nc ohc=xWOl6sngSRIAb5KMnto& nc oc=AdiYDSdOQdJPG3qbHjqmdi0rHd1PnpnQI1I72IzIOOxzr5t3aB gAbTJJC369Co8a Q& nc ht=scontent ams2 1
425016867 1144650346564079 7111091769249093618 n.jpg? nc cat=105&ccb=1 7& nc sid=5f2048& nc eui2=AeHBhgan RgPCNYE83MVoBFJspGEMM2DhcCykYQwzYOFwC3SijcvxbInhAcZz108FXDC fqipaXDdrlhMPx5nJLO& nc ohc=ABBzkfDN1mYAb7eaFKp& nc ht=scontent ams2 1
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Your trust is our most precious asset

img testimonial 04 1
Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Novello Clinic is truly the best hair removal center in 5th Settlement

img testimonial 04
Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Novello clinics is a true experience that we will never forget and excellent doctors,

نوفيلو اختيار الجميلات
Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Truly the best laser center in Cairo

مركز ازالة الشعر بالليزر مصر الجديدة
Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

اكفىء الدكاتره في الجراحه والتجميل ونتائج مبهره جدا شخصيات محترمه جدا , ربنا يوفقك

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