Dermapen before and after the best treatment for pigmentation and acne

ديرما بن قبل وبعد

Dermapen sessions are known to help rejuvenate the skin without the need for complex surgeries.

Anyone can get a Dermapen session at Novello Clinic after consulting a specialist doctor, in order to treat the skin.

This is to get rid of all spots and pigmentation caused by acne, while unifying skin tone.

The Derma Pen device is used to treat pits and wrinkles that appear on the facial skin, as well as to treat annoying spots and scars.

Derma pen before and after

During and after Dermapen sessions, many medications and treatments can be used.

Which can of course help in eliminating and getting rid of some specific skin problems.

There are many good things that can happen with dermapen, mesotherapy or even fractional mesotherapy.

The medicine or treatment enters the skin much deeper than normal, and thus the skin can get the good and desired effect on these problems faster.

Thus, the cells responsible for skin rejuvenation are renewed through this self-correction process.

جلسة ديرما بن قبل وبعد

Why use derma pen?

 There are many reasons for using the derma pen, and among these many reasons we mention the following:

  • Remove dark spots and pigmentation from the skin.
  • Minimize large pores.
  • Moisturizes and nourishes the skin well, due to the use of treatment serums with the derma pen.
  • The skin gets rid of many signs and effects of aging.
  • Renewing the cells responsible for the skin.
  • Improve skin texture.

Dermapen features before and after

There are many Benefits of derma pen for the faceAmong these features, we explain the following:

  • Remove wrinkles, facial lines and signs of aging.
  • Reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Minimize pores in the skin.
  • It is a very safe and effective way to reduce scars.
  • Tighten the skin and give it the necessary freshness and strength.
  • Short recovery period after sessions, when compared to other different treatment methods.
  • Improve skin texture and appearance.
  • Reduce many wrinkles that appear superficially on the skin.

تواصل مع نوفيلو كلينك أفضل مركز جراحة تجميل وأفضل مركز ليزر في مصر

When do you see good results of Dermapen treatment?

The good results that appear as a result of treating the skin with derma pen sessions can take a period of only 4 to 6 weeks.

Especially from wrinkles and lines problems, in order to combat skin and face aging, and from here it begins Benefits of Derma Pen for the Face.

During this period, the body can secrete more new collagen in the skin, which helps tighten the skin and narrow the pores immediately and from the beginning of the first sessions.

This is because when the needles penetrate the deepest layers of the skin, it can cause minor, microscopic wounds in the skin.

How much does derma pen cost for face?

The cost of Dermapen sessions varies from one place to another and is very suitable for clients who suffer from the problems we mentioned earlier and want to treat their skin in a safe way.

Novello Clinic also provides packages, prices and offers suitable for everyone at different times for Derma Pen sessions that help determine the growth of skin cells in a very safe and healthy way, without harming the skin.

Dermapen also rids the skin of dead and damaged cells, with the ability to replace new, healthy skin cells capable of whitening the face and improving its texture.

جلسة ديرما بن قبل وبعد

Tips after work Derma pen for skin and face

There are many tips for doing derma pen before and after that guarantee good results for the skin. Among these tips we mention the following:

  • Avoid anything that causes skin irritation.
  • الامتناع عن وضع المكياج لفترة يحددها الطبيب.
  • استخدام كريمات مرطبة طبية.
  • عدم استخدام مستحضرات عناية بالبشرة تحتوي على روائح أو كحول.
  • عدم فرك بشرة الوجه باستخدام الأصابع.
  • المواظبة على حضور الجلسات كاملة في مواعيدها.
  • الالتزام بكافة التعليمات التي ينصح الطبيب المختص بها.
  • عدم غسل الوجه بالماء لمدة 24 ساعة بعد الجلسة.
  • الاهتمام بتطبيق السيرومات و العلاجات التي يصفها الطبيب.

للنزيد عن التقشير البارد للوجه وأهم استخداماته

Novello Clinic helps provide a Dermapen before and after experience for its clients who wish to treat and rejuvenate their skin cells.

In order to get a healthy and youthful appearance for the skin, contact the center now to book a consultation with a specialist doctor for your problem and get the solution.

تواصل مع نوفيلو كلينك أفضل مركز جراحة تجميل وأفضل مركز ليزر في مصر

نوفيللو كلينك

My journey to get rid of goosebumps at Novello was a unique and successful experience. Through chemical peels and continuous skin care, I was able to achieve amazing results and regain my confidence in the appearance of my skin. I would recommend anyone suffering from this problem to go to Novello Center, where you will find excellent care and guaranteed results.

Nour Ehab


Dermapen mesotherapy before and after

What are the benefits of mesotherapy for dark circles?

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