Mesotherapy session


Many people, especially women, want to know what a mesotherapy session is. Mesotherapy is a modern technique that has emerged in recent years. Many women use it as a treatment for many problems in the skin or in the body in general in an easy and fast-acting way. Mesotherapy is a technique used by injecting a specific area of ​​the body with a group of vitamins and minerals, hormones, a group of platelets or other substances for various health purposes. In this article, we will show you all the details you want to know about the different mesotherapy sessions.

What is a mesotherapy session?

Mesotherapy injections are used in many medical, cosmetic and health fields, such as treating some cases of baldness, or treating skin problems, restoring skin freshness, and getting rid of wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes, as using mesotherapy sessions is considered the appropriate option in the event that other traditional methods have failed to treat these problems.

Mesotherapy is one of the relatively modern cosmetic methods that has become widespread recently. A mesotherapy session uses injections that contain many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and some other diverse natural materials that are very effective. The area to be treated is injected directly into the third layer of the skin in the place where the blood vessels are located, which work to accelerate the process of absorbing these materials and vitamins and benefit from them effectively and completely.

Why is mesotherapy used?

This technique was used in the past to treat various body pains, but at the present time, a mesotherapy session is used for many other purposes, such as the following:

  • Mesotherapy sessions help reduce the appearance of cellulite and tighten the skin.
  • Rejuvenate the skin.
  • Body resculpting and localized fat fragmentation.
  • Get rid of all wrinkles, signs of aging, pigmentation and dark circles.
  • Treatment of alopecia and hair loss.

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Preparing for a mesotherapy session

There is nothing specific that you must do before preparing for a mesotherapy session, but the only thing that the specialist doctor may ask you to do is not to take blood thinners at least a week before the operation due to fear of bleeding.

Mesotherapy session steps

There are many steps that can occur in a mesotherapy session, including the following:

  • The doctor begins by numbing the area where he wants the injection to be given in order to reduce the pain you may feel during the session.
  • The injection process is done sequentially at several points in the target area using short, small needles that are 1-4 mm deep into the skin.
  • The doctor moves the needle slightly while it is under the skin before quickly removing it. In addition, each injection places a very small drop of fluid under the skin. 

Duration and number of mesotherapy sessions

In order to obtain the desired therapeutic or cosmetic effect, the patient is usually subjected to several sessions ranging in number from 3 to 15 sessions, and the time period between the first sessions is usually from 7 to 10 days, after which the sessions become monthly, according to the patient’s condition and the goal of the treatment.

How to recover after a mesotherapy session

Because mesotherapy is considered a non-invasive treatment, the patient can return to normal daily activities and life immediately after undergoing a mesotherapy session.

But in many cases, the patient may need to rest for at least a day or two, due to the possibility of developing annoying swelling or bruising or due to suffering from one of the complications that may appear in a few patients.

Complications and side effects after mesotherapy sessions

Many side effects or complications may appear, the most important of which are the following:

  • Skin rash and visible scars.
  • Swelling and redness may occur.
  • Feeling pain, tenderness, or even itching.
  • الشعور بالغثيان.
  • ظهور بثور في منطقة الحقن وتصبغات جلدية.
  • حدوث التهابات وعدوى.

Benefits of mesotherapy for the skin 

هناك العديد من الفوائد التي يحتوي عليها جلسة ميزوثيرابي ومنها التالي:

  • القيام بتخفيف التجاعيد وتقليل علامات التقدم في السن. 
  • التخلص من التصبغات الجلدية والكلف.
  • التقليل من آثار حب الشباب.
  • القيام بمعالجة تشققات الجسم.
  • التقليل من ترهلات الجلد في البطن والأرداف.
  • إعادة نضارة وحيوية وشباب الجلد.
  • القيام بتنشيط الدورة الدموية. 
  • تقليل المسامات الواسعة الموجودة في الوجه وتحسين شكلها. 
  • قد يمكن أن تستخدم تقنية Mesotherapy في معالجة نحافة الوجه.

Follow more: Fractional laser for face 

People who are prohibited from using mesotherapy sessions

There are many people who should avoid using mesotherapy and are considered prohibited from it, which are the following:

  • الأشخاص المصابين بمرض القلب
  • الأفراد المصابين بمرض السكري
  • السيدات الحوامل والمرضعة.
  • مرضى السرطان.
  • الأشخاص التي تم إصابتهم بجلطات دموية أو أمراض الدم أو السكتات الدماغية.
  • الأفراد التي تتناول أدوية القلب أو الأدوية المسيلة للدماء.
  • المصابين بالتهابات في الجلد.
  • المصابين بمرض الصدفية.
  • الأشخاص المصابين بأمراض المناعة المختلفة.

At the end of this article, we have presented to you all the details that you may need to know about a mesotherapy session, so that they can treat or reduce various skin problems, body sagging problems, or hair problems effectively and quickly.

Novello Clinic is the best beauty center in Egypt, where you can benefit from many distinguished services.

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My journey to get rid of goosebumps at Novello was a unique and successful experience. Through chemical peels and continuous skin care, I was able to achieve amazing results and regain my confidence in the appearance of my skin. I would recommend anyone suffering from this problem to go to Novello Center, where you will find excellent care and guaranteed results.

Nour Ehab



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