Novello Clinics.

We care about beauty,

Novello clinics

Specialists in Cosmetic Procedures and Laser Services

Integrated services and the latest technologies for skin and hair care, solutions to hair loss problems and filling in the blanks to restore the luster and softness of hair, stop its fall and intensify it

نوفيللو كلينك


Specialists in Cosmetic Procedures and Laser Services

novello 61 scaled

Novello clinics

Specialists in Cosmetic Procedures and Laser Services

Integrated services and the latest technologies for skin and hair care, solutions to hair loss problems and filling in the blanks to restore the luster and softness of hair, stop its fall and intensify it

Integrated services with the latest technologies for skin care, cosmetic dentistry and plastic surgery

Our Stars Team


Your trust is our most precious asset

img testimonial 04 1
Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Novello Clinic is truly the best hair removal center in 5th Settlement

img testimonial 04
Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Novello clinics is a true experience that we will never forget and excellent doctors,

نوفيلو اختيار الجميلات
Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Truly the best laser center in Cairo

مركز ازالة الشعر بالليزر مصر الجديدة
Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

اكفىء الدكاتره في الجراحه والتجميل ونتائج مبهره جدا شخصيات محترمه جدا , ربنا يوفقك



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